The Process of Die Casting.
Die Casting is a manufacturing processing that presses liquid metal in a precision tooling under high pressure, after cooled down, then form a casting part. Hot chamber casting and cold chamber casting are the two basic method. In cold chamber casting process, liquid metal is made into a pressure chamber by hand or automatic devices, and then is pressed into a die cavitie. And in hot chamber casting process, pressure chambers are located in crucibles vertically. So liquid metal flow into pressure chambers automatically. And injection plunger moves down, then press the liquid metal into die cavities.
Die casting technology is a process that combines casting machines, casting tooliings and metal alloy, and utilizes them comprehensively. And that pressure, speed, temperature, time and other factors are great unified. These factors affect, restrict each other. Manufacturers are supposed to determine and adjust all of these factors, and make them coordinated, then will get the target parts. In die casting, we should pay attention to both parts’s structures, advance of casting toolings, performance of casting machines, determination of material, standards of melting process and pressure, temperature, time, and other technological parameters, and control them effectively.