We can machine complex structure gear use Powder Metallurgy technology.we need to more attention that we must to do appropriate choice to material according to different performance requirements of workpiece and then can insure that the machined gear can get more higher intensity.
When we machined gear use the blank of PM’ s material, can improve its intensity 10%. In addition,the precision of PM gears are concerned with expansion coefficient when material are machine and the precision of mold. The homebred gear mold of the diameter within 50 is about 8 grade, the imported mold a litter better is 7 grade.In this situation, If it is helical gear will be more higher. The biggest advantage use PM to made gear is can produce large goods, have good uniformity.
Ordinary PM gear parts can withstand the equivalent of 14NM of torque,for parts of temperature, pressure can reach 20NM.When we are designed, if all of gears adopt professional PM design, can improve its quality about 10%.