Napoleon Bonaparte, who is the most important founder of France, once said in 1818, China was a sleeping lion. But anyway she was a lion, still was daunting. After around 200 years, Xi Jinping claimed”China, the lion, is awake now.” China is awake already, and Xi Jinping is shoudering the mission of awakening the lion totally. Definitely, The time belonging Xi is coming.
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The Lion is Awake
NO.2 Machinery Co., Ltd is a leading supplier of precision-engineered products, using Metal Injection Molding (MIM) and Powder Metallurgy(PM) as the core manufacturing technologies, since 1995. With located in Shenzhen,China,NO.2 Machinery has holded a leadership position in the field of MIM, providing precision custom fabrication service to customers in more than thirty countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia.